Leslie Wyatt
Film Photography
Over the years I have used Epson scanners and
diligently used the 35mm plastic slide and negative holding trays
provided with the scanner. Moving to medium format some ten years
ago I decided that I needed the Epson V750 Pro scanner with its
fluid mount accessory to scan the 120 slides and black and white
negatives effectively....
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There are not many products that can be called iconic but in the field of
photography I think the Fujichrome Provia 400X emulsion has achieved that status.
It was one of the few fast slide films ever manufactured. It is less saturated than
Velvia and for me just has the edge on Ektachrome for natural colour rendition.
Properly exposed ( and that is not easy ) the colours are just sumptuous. If you
have never held a medium format Provia 400X slide in your hand you have missed
out on one of the joys of life. Sadly, production came to an end in 2013 but many
photographers appear to have set dwindling stocks aside.
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The renaissance in film photography is clearly gathering pace with a new colour film
called Phoenix launched by Harman Technology in Mobberley, Cheshire UK. They are the
manufacturers of the classic black and white films sold under the Ilford label. The
history of Harman Technology and its association with the Ilford name is covered
extensively elsewhere and so I will assume prior knowledge. Phoenix is a completely
new colour emulsion designed and manufactured in house. Referred to as an 'experimental'
film, it is currently available in 35mm format only.
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Acquiring mechanical dexterity with your eyes shut takes a lot of practice...and
I mean A LOT of practice! Trying to thread a film into a Patterson reel in a changing
bag or darkroom can be a very frustrating experience if you have never done it before.
Sure, if you expose and develop several films a day or even a week it becomes second
nature. But, I am not a professional and I think I am doing well if I expose and
develop one film a month! So, enter the Ars Imago LAB_BOX.
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